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Small order approximately 50 pupae.   Please note, fly spikes and pupae are going to smell. I sprinkle them with a substance to help keep the odor down. Other than that, please realize they are going to have an odor because of what they are and I have done what I can to help with that. If that offends you, then please don't order.

Blue Bottle fly pupae, 50 (DIPTERA Calliphoridae)

  • Blue bottle pupae is great for feeding all sorts of pets that eat flying insects, even when they hatch with bad wings which happens now and then, the pet you are feeding will still get all the benefits of the fly. This is our largest size fly, the house fly is smaller and the stable is smaller yet. Try some today, and enjoy watching your pet get excited to see them.  Fly Pupae will hatch in 3 to 4 days and last a few weeks with food and drink. Check out the care sheet for more info.

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